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The Restore America Plan (TRAP)
Restore America Plan – President Tim Turner
Valerie Kirkgaard has begun calling Timothy James Turner "the President." Currently 50 De Jure Juries stand across America. The Corporation, United States was invited to follow The Law, but they refused.
Tim Turner was just elected as the President of the Republic of the United States. The official Press Release is being prepared with all of the details. Over 80 countries are finished with trying to work with the Fiction Corporation of the United States. These 80 nations want an America founded on Liberty and Lawful Principles.
July 21, 2002
Subject; The Whole World Stands behind the Republic of the United States – 1 hour Radio Interview below
Valerie Kirkgaard continues to call Tim Turner the President, in this 1 hour radio interview. Tim Turner never called himself the President, but he won the vote among the 50 De Jure Grand Juries across America during the last couple of days.
Tim Turner is one of the Framers of the Restore America Plan.
The R A P has a couple of phases and on July 4th we were expecting some exciting results from the institution of Phase 1 of the Restore America plan. None of the promises were kept by some of the Elders and by some of the people that the R A P was depending on.
In Seattle Tim Turner was in danger, as a 6 man hit team was sent to assassinate him. To protect his life Tim Turner had to Go Dark for a little while. A lot of accusations began to fly during Tim's silence for a couple of months.
Elders of the Restore America movement were hoping for a positive response from the 50 Corporate Governors across America, but disappointments and detours showed up, after Phase 1 was initiated. Under Phase 1 of the Restored Plan foreclosures were supposed to stop. Men and women now in prison were supposed to be released, people who haven't injured anyone, but the current prison system is still holding them. The Banking Fraud (Federal Reserve) of the United States and the TPTB was supposed to end. The I R S is supposed to be shutting down their criminal activity too.
The Elders and the Juries of the Restore America Plan have been sweating it out, risking everything in their Stand for Liberty in America. We thought we were doing this for America, but we've learned that the whole world is watching.
It's not about the money.
The fraud and the theft and the lies must stop.
In disappointment, after the 4th of July, the Executive Committee spent 3 days in prayer to consider what the R A P ought to do next.
If America falls apart, the world will collapse too.
Careful leaders from all over the world have been keeping an eye on America. They have been watching the R A P and the Elders were approached and informed that the Whole World supports this Restore America movement.
Not all of the details have been nailed down, but it seems that the Creator is opening doors and has inspired Tim Turner and the Juries to institute a temporary Provisional Government that may stand in the gap as America is Restored.
This may mean an end to the World for some people and some institutions.
This may mean a Whole New Beginning for other people and some organizations.
Many Leaders around the world have commented that they have been told by the Creator that Leaders Would Rise Up and that America Would Wake Up to Restore Liberty in America some day.
There is no need to throw the Sink Out with the Bath Water.
Phase 2 of the Restore America Plan is now under way.
The Official Press Release from the Republic of the United States should be released to the world any moment now.
Tim Turner starts at 41:30 into the interview.
Listen to the interview (Right-click, Save As)
- "First they ignore you.
- Then they laugh at you.
- Then they fight you.
- Then you win."
"Next to being one in worshiping God, there is nothing in this world upon which this Church should be more united than in upholding and defending the Constitution of the United States in the tradition of the Founding Fathers." –
David O. McKay
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: RE: [ronpaul-242] Check this out.
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2010 17:19:34 -0400
There is no such thing as forming grand juries of citizens according to the Constitution. Federal grand juries are drawn from the jury pool in each Federal Court's district. The grand jurors are selected after answering a few questions such as are you a citizen and have you been convicted of a felony, and then, the court empanels the grand jury. State grand juries are empanelled in the same way.
There is no authority to get a group of citizens together and call it a grand jury. In fact, when people have done so, there have been some prosecutions of the citizens forming the citizens grand juries because it is a felony to issue a document which purports to be issued by the courts when in fact it is not. There were prosecutions in Texas, Montana, and Florida about 15 years ago when the Feds used this BS to undermine interest in the power of grand juries.
The current citizens grand jury BS is being spread by Tim Turner, Sam Kennedy and also by some outfit called the American Grand Jury system. Since these people claim to have done some research, it is unbelievable that they don't know how grand juries are empanelled and that their tactic may result in some people being arrested if they are stupid enough to send out any document claiming to be an official court document such as a subpoena for example. I know a couple of people who believe this BS, and I asked them to provide me any case law to support these claims. I still haven't seen any.
In my opinion, these people are working to undermine the truth about the grand jury. After their efforts go nowhere and possibly a few end up being prosecuted, the public will think that anyone talking about the power of grand juries is a nut and that trying to get involved with a grand jury is dangerous.
If you want to know the truth, see Why Does the Government Ignore Our Wishes? at http://dailycensored.com/2009/09/11/why-does-the-government-ignore-our-wishes/ and don’t miss my 18 minute speech.
If you take a look, you’ll learn why they get away with violating our rights, abusing their power, and committing horrible crimes. My article on torture includes a link to the U.S. Supreme Court case which explains how one of our stolen rights makes the difference between justice and injustice, between freedom and slavery.
If you receive something from these shills, ask them to send you case law supporting their position and if you get any, send it to me so that I can take a take a look. Since I've read every Federal case and every Florida case about presenting evidence to grand juries and many other cases, law review articles, and treatises on grand juries, I doubt that any case will be produced by the citizens grand jury shills and if one is, I'm sure that it will be one from old England hundreds of years prior to the time that our nation was founded and the time at which the English common law was adopted, a time in which jurors were summoned and empanelled by the court having jurisdiction over them.
The nice thing about the shills efforts to confuse people about grand juries is these efforts show that the powers that be are afraid that the truth is getting out.
Mark A. Adams JD/MBA
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: RE: [ronpaul-242] Check this out.
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2010 11:58:28 -0400
David, I went to the link and got this message:
This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by David Ernest Mack.
Do you know of any other place this might be located? Was there a title to search by?
For Truth & Liberty,
Mark Ferguson
Join http://www.PoliticalWatchdog.com/login/
Vote Congress Out in 2010...
Join the R3VOLution
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of D40
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 11:07 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: [ronpaul-242] Check this out.
There are some interesting things brewing in background. They have my blessings and support.
In this last year Grand Juries according to the Constitution were formed in all states. I signed on way back when. Now all those Grand Juries have formed the Continental Congress (in the Constitution) They are legally and peacefully going to take back the country that has been illegally held hostage by traitors. They have the backing of the Military and the Supreme Court in this action. All we can do is pray that this can happen peacefully and that we get our country back.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Dear Friends of Freedom:
On Sunday February 7th there was a national conference call led by Dr. Sam Kennedy that was simulcast on Republic Broadcasting Network.
I was curious about the claims by Dr. Kennedy that there was this "secret plan" that was backed by some of the highest generals in our military to bring our government back to it's original de jure form. The details were cloudy if non-existent. There was no final or even draft document that I could read, just verbal claims being broadcast and archived across the internet.
An individual who I have known for years here in the local Chicagoland area called me to inform me that she was part of one "the local assemblies" that were somehow connected with this effort. I agreed to meet with her a few weeks ago and last week I finally attended one of their local meetings but I arrived late and had to leave early. This past Thursday I attended another meeting and so that others could understand what was going on I felt obligated to interview as many of the key local organizers as I could. The timing of these interviews coincided with our 138th National Collective Conference Call (2/18/10) which takes place every Thursday evening beginning at 8 pm CDT.
The general tenor-tone and content of what was shared on last Thursday's conference call about this "Restore America Plan" was very positive and hopeful, but as I was moving from being on the call as a moderator to talking among the members of this local group I realized that I and other members of the group had some pretty serious questions about this plan which needed answers. I don't normally do this, but I agreed to provide my signature - the 19th listed on the page here with the Illinois Assembly - on the condition that our information and signatures NOT be released to "the Guardian Elders" unless and until we received answers to some pretty basic questions about this plan.
Within less than 1-2 days after our local coordinator, Mike DiCosola, attempted to get answers to our questions he was summarily fired by "the guardian elders" and replaced by a complete stranger from Wisconsin.
Needless to say I and the other participant-members of this local Illinois Assembly are removing ourselves from TRAP, or what has been referred to by others as "The Restore America Scam".
What I find very interesting about this quick turn of events is that there seems to be quite a lot of evidence piling up that "The Restore America Sham" may actually be a cointelpro "top down" operation to destroy a very legitimate attempt by these local assemblies from forming all across America. To the best I can identify, the website behind this movement is http://oursammie.net/
In fact it was through OurSammie.net that I/we discovered the great work being done by Ricardo Johansson over at http://www.upworldgov.org/.
I have heard good things about OurSammie.net and I believe the members of the Illinois Assembly of which I am now one are supporting a move to learn more about the writings and research of this group.
As for Recardo Johannson, within days of contacting him I/we interviewed him on our national conference call - click here to listen - and within another week Ricardo released his e-book, Emergence From Illusion, which you can download for free over at http://www.upworldgov.org/ - see the right column.
Ricardo Johansson
Click here to listen to the recording of Ricardo's presentation on our call last week.
As for TRAP, the bottom line is that we didn't get answers to our questions and we formally burned our signature pages during a follow-up meeting on 2/22.
I have included responses from people who have researched Sam Kennedy's background - see the links and emails below
It interesting to observe the parallels between this effort and the many attempts that have been made to divide, conquer and destroy the work of CC2009 - see http://articlesoffreedom.us/ I know the divisions and finger-pointing hasn't ended with regard to what really happened at CC2009. Still, I am very hopeful and prayerful that the work of this body will resonate and carry forward with positive impact. I recently heard from Bob Schulz that The Articles of Freedom were read by Judge Andrew Napolitano who said he "was very impressed" with the document and looks forward to interviewing Bob on his show going forward.
My bottom line in all of this is that we need to try our best to connect with things in ourselves and others that are good and true. We need to do more to connect with things that full to overflowing with love and wisdom, peace and justice. We need to do more to connect, help and serve others in ways that add value and shine the light of love and truth on everything we get involved with. We need to remove ourselves from those who seek to divide, separate, control and subdue us with pressure, fear and paranoia.
Perhaps we need to revisit the energy flowing from the remnant of the earthquake that recently shook on 2/10/10 near St. Charles, Illinois where the Continental Congress 2009 took place last year between 11/11 and 11/22. Perhaps there's a need for a "St. Charles Assembly" or a "St. Charles Resolution" or a "St. Charles Declaration" to be received and shared among the true leaders and patriots in the freedom-liberty movement.
I will close by acknowledging "Lord I have no plans of my own save those you shall reveal to me."
Peace and God Bless,
Fred Smart
Burning the signature pages for The Restore America Plan (TRAP)
The Great Chicago Fire of 2010
The Great Chicago Fire Part 2
Burning the signature pages for The Restore America Plan (TRAP) on Monday evening, 2/22/10 as performed by the members of the Illinois County Assembly.
Posted by The Freedom Fellowship at 5:13 PM 0 comments
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Larry Becraft <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 4:12 PM
Subject: "Dr. Sam Kennedy"
To: Tommy Cryer <[email protected]>, John Kotmair <[email protected]>, Bob Minarik <[email protected]>
I have complained for YEARS about "gurus" who run around promoting various legal arguments that any first year law student can recognize as complete trash. The prevalence of the trashy legal arguments (UCC, redemption process, admiralty, etc) has damaged the freedom movement and caused many people to leave it while others who have followed these arguments have been harmed. The people in this movement appear to the rest of America as morons because of this trash.
One of the latest gurus is "Dr. Sam Kennedy", who got rolling more than 2 years ago with the 1099-OID insanity. I warned people that this was a wild Roger Elvick scheme that not only was baseless, but would get lots of followers in trouble. The greedy ignored these warnings and now lots of people have been searched, sued and indicted because of this argument. I guess that perhaps the best school to attend in this movement in the school of hard knocks.
Here are 2 link withs lots of info about Kennedy:
2010-02-07 14:36:57
Restore America Plan - informational call Sunday evening Feb 7
1. Restore America Plan - informational call Sunday evening Feb 7
View subtitle: Previous | Next | All
Written by Scuttle Butts
This is a message from Sam Kennedy that is being passed around via email. The Republican State Observer does not endorse this plan, and makes no stance either for or against. Our purpose here is to share items of interest and impact upon our assemblies. Because this Plan impacts our assemblies, the information is being shared immediately upon receipt.
Hello folks,
Despite the StuporBowl, life marches on especially in the case of The Restore America Plan…
Tonight we will be joined by Tim Turner and the other Guardian Elders to provide a number of critical announcements, on TAKE NO PRISONERS at the Republic Broadcasting Network (Sunday, Feb 7, 2010, 8 PM ET, 7 PM CT, 6 PM MT, 5 PM PT), as the Plan sweeps across America and even into the halls of de facto corporate governance. THOSE IN ASSEMBLIES and WHO HAVE CONTACTED US THIS PAST WEEK will wish to listen live. Presently, the broadcast is our most efficient method for communicating developments in real time as we assimilate the staggering breadth of contacts and developments this first week. Even as we speak, arrangements are being made with various large organizations to join the cause. After years of bickering, finally the sovereign People are getting down to the business of reconstruction, recognizing the power of a practical outcome-based strategy that embraces peace, honor and success. People everywhere just like yourself, tired of disjointed skirmishes, are rallying behind nationwide restoration. They understand that there will never be a better time to recover our divine rights of birth. They recognize that public devotion to the Constitution is a unique vehicle for ending the nightmare of corporate tyranny, foreclosures and bogus prosecutions and restoring the divine Law. They see that finally, the People intend to act, not just complain, AND THE MOMENTUM IS WITH THE RESTORE AMERICA PLAN.
I HAVE ATTACHED a document you will likely enjoy. It is designed for email travel around the world as the background will eat up lots of ink. With the willingness of the sovereign people to stand up and be counted, all of those goals are achievable within the first few weeks.
Thank you again for all of your input and ideas. Permit me to emphasize that MOST OF YOU WILL HAVE TO UNDERTAKE NO FURTHER ACTION, other than declaring your membership in the brotherhood of sovereign People (we will address that issue tonight as well). Because the beauty of the BEHIND-THE-SCENES Restore America Plan is that the benefits of sovereignty will be available to ALL who wish to partake – WITHOUT having to engage in the dangers and perils of contesting a corporation gone mad.
I ALSO DEEPLY APOLOGIZE for being unable to respond to each email at this time. Folks - EVERY ONE IS LOGGED-IN AND HEARD as this juggernaut unfolds. We hear you, we feel your commitment, we intend to bring forth the remedy FOR EVERYONE.
Although the network’s facilities have been fortified and should withstand the enormous audience we’re expecting, permit me to caution you again against attempting to listen to the broadcast through the call-in line at the website. Folks, this is real radio with thousands of listeners on FM, shortwave, Shoutcast and the Internet worldwide - not a conference call. New listeners might want to tune the network in at:
DURING THE AFTERNOON to ensure you have the kinks worked out before air time.
We welcome EACH AND EVERY GROUP AND ASSEMBLY, and each and every one of YOU to The Restore America Plan.
On behalf of the Guardian Elders, I thank you for reading, and ask if you would KINDLY CIRCULATE THIS EMAIL FAR AND WIDE. The time for remedy is now.
God bless,
Sam Kennedy
P.S. Here are links to last weeks broadcast sent in by listeners (Jan. 31, 2010):
Hour 1:
Hour 2:
You can also download the broadcast or listen on the internet at:
Or listen in real time at:
http://educationcenter2000.com/The Final Remedy_Sam Kennedy.htm
Dr. Sam Kennedy
Republic Broadcasting network
The Save America Crusade
One "red flag" for me was that we couldn't personally get a copy of "the plan". They would only let us read it during the assembly session. I attended only one of them - the first one I had to leave early. At the one I attended the members of the assembly - some of which included people I have known for years - had already read the plan and still had questions that needed answers. But even so "the elders" were trying to put the squeeze on our coordinator to get our signatures sent in, etc. We all agreed NOT to send in our signatures unless and until we got answers to some key questions.
And that's where the real rubber meets the road. And that's when and where "the guardian elders" started to - very quickly I might add - trash our Illinois Assembly coordinator who was really working for us, not the elders, as he should be.
The whole thing unraveled pretty quickly from there with Sam Kennedy - one of the Elders - "firing" our Illinois Assembly coordinator, replacing him with a complete stranger from Wisconsin.
This whole thing smacks of cointelpro from the top down. It seems to be a con-ruse to get the hopes up from a lot of leading patriots all across the country very quickly while working to stab them(us) in the back.
Another key "red flag" which smacked of cointelpro was that "the guardian elders" INSISTED that the signers could NOT reserve our rights over our signatures. That pretty much did it for me, even though I signed yet we all agreed NOT to submit-send our signature page unless and until we got our questions answered.
Please go to the bottom of this email and read the two emails which our Illinois Assembly coordinator, Mike DiCosola, wrote and sent to us to protect himself and us from these vicious attacks coming from "the guardian elders". Feel free to pass around - including this email.
I will be attending my last Illinois Assembly meeting tonight where our group plans to personally-collective destroy any-all evidence of our signature pages that relate to us supporting this plan.
I will give you a call sometime today.
Thanks again Bette!
Peace and God Bless,
On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 12:00 AM, B. Smih wrote:
Fred ---- I really appreciate your response.
I just have a funny feeling about"Restore America Plan" but can't nail down why I feel this way ! Have you been privileged to read the 76 page "Restore America Plan" ? Has Larry Becraft had any comments on "The Plan"?
There seems to be a vagueness about the actual action part of the plan ----- It's one thing to have a "Plan" --- talk about it ----- but the "action part isn't clear to me. I have to go out Monday AM will try to call you later in the day.
How's CC 2009 going ?---- It's dead here ---- no State Coordinator ---( that I know of )---- had some communications for a short while with Jeff Lewis ( NC --- delegate) but nothing lately.
Everything is falling apart and it's hard to know what or who to support. We do have several people running for political office so for now I guess that's the best direction to take.
Didn't have phone or computer last Thursday --- lines were down ---- had planned to listen to conference call.
----- Original Message -----
From: F. Smart
To: B. Smih
Sent: Sunday, February 21, 2010 9:54 PM
Subject: Re: Restore the Republic Plan ???
We here in Illinois have some very tough questions about this plan.
I was the 19th signer here in Illinois, but we are NOT going to turn in our signatures unless we get some key questions answered.
Looks like a non-starter since the Guardian Elders don't like our questions and they have already "fired" our local Illinois coordinator who has been asking these tough questions on our behalf.
I will call you soon or feel free to call me to discuss.
More will follow.
Peace and God Bless,
PS. I am still behind Bob, CC2009 and the Articles of Freedom.On Sun, Feb 21, 2010 at 4:34 PM, B. Smih wrote:
Fred ----
What is your opinion of the "RESTORE THE REPUBLIC PLAN" ???? I'm not sure about it and need some thoughts from other people.
What's happening with CC 2009 ???
I'm finally back on line ---- have had both phone and computer down for a few days
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
To: Mike DiCosola <[email protected]>
Sent: Fri, February 19, 2010 4:32:28 PM
Subject: RE: Final Questions
From: Mike DiCosola [mailto:[email protected]] We are
Moving forward as we are typing this , Things is not about me it is all
about saving this Country I hope you see the urgency of this we do not have
time to play around
Sent: Friday, February 19, 2010 11:55 AM
with this. God Bless all of you and lets move forward together and take
our Country Back, OK
To: [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Subject: Final Questions
Hi Billyray,
Here is the questions that you answered over the phone that just need
1. We will establish within a short period of time after the declaration
is signed, a definitions page that will define the word, what the word will
mean, and if it is a noun, verb, adj., etc.
2. We will not be supporting any North American Union by signing an oath
for North America. This is a concern that the boarderless North America not
be created. We will not be supporting any union.
3. That each state will maintain its sovereignty and independence with
full power and authority reserved for The People on each Republic. This is
correct. States will change to the republic government and order out the
cooperate People .
4. There is no corporate take over that we are initiated since we are not
stepping forward in the form of a fiction de facto corporation, replacing
another corporation, but rather, we are stepping forward
into the rightful vacant positions that have been maintained and
preserved for us since the date of the constitution. This is correct!
5. We are not inheriting, refinancing, restructuring any bankruptcy
and/or debt with the constitution since the word constitution represents
debt. Instead we are eliminating all debt not lawfully bound to Americans of
the Republic and are adopting the articles that are within it. No
the debt has been paid.
6. This method of orders that we are entering as warrants are instructed
and supported by the military. It came from them. Yes!!!!
This is pretty much the hang up that I keep bumping in to. Other questions
that keep coming up are what the other 3 steps are. Everyone was concerned
that they are getting a piece of the puzzle and not the whole story.
If we can address these issues as positively as you have stated your answers
over the phone, I believe that there is no reason for anyone to have any
other issues other then the 3 other steps.
I have spent several meetings establishing a lawful de jure assembly and
have been preparing people for this document to arrive. We have had 2
meetings and each meeting has addressed all above concerns. We currently
have 19 signatures. There is to be one today if his schedule permits and I
hope we can receive the remaining signatures tomorrow.
Your response back will definitely help me move forward over here.
P.S. Please have Tim Turner give me a call. I would also like it if you
could provide his new contact number along with Reegan and Sam.
God Bless,
hide details 6:35 PM (13 hours ago) |
Hello Sam,
After careful research and deliberation with the assembly members, as the Delegate appointed on the de jure Illinois county assembly, I, Mike Di Cosola, have completed my due diligence and have concluded by way of reasonable doubt, that this method by which to resolve our grievances is not within our lawful rights, remedies and authority. Sam, You have used the word "inducted" within your email to me. Inducted is a word used for Citizens that will be inducted into the Military. Once you are into the military you are classified as an enemy combatant. You have not replied to any of my commentary or have shown any true leadership by way of lawfully appointed authority or even by administrative duty to answer to and account for all questions presented you. I have attempted to ask you to contact me by way of phone as well and to provide your contact phone number but this was to no avail. You are negotiating on behalf of we the People to an authority that has not been revealed to us, yet you have never been given such authority by the People to do such a thing. It is to our understanding that you have not been acting in the form of your lawful birth right name. The aka name that you have is not the birth right name you have been given. Please explain if this bit of information is accurate?
You, nor any of the Elders have signed their name on the declaration and you have used an aka name for your name of choice. We are expected to sign blindly to the declaration after you have clearly shown by way of written statement via email, that our questions are a delusional waste of time? The Elders have not signed their name on this document first and that is a tall tail for concern. I have heard you on your first call answer someone that asked you if the military has been giving you instructions and you told her no. She then asked you if they have read the document and you said no, why would we ask the military to read the document if it is not ready? It will look as though we are not ready for the republic. Now you email me stating that you are under obligations to ensure that the process moves forward expediently. Who are you obligated to? Who have you ensured? You state that you are currently in negotiations when I was told by Tim that the declaration was final. What are you still negotiating? Who gave you the authority to do such a thing on behalf of we the people?
You mock the fact that I ask a question such as the meaning to the use of the word "North America" in the guardian oath. Even Tim Turner's documents for a secured party creditor have definitions which describe each word in order to make a clear understanding as to the meaning of the words used in the security agreement between the principal secured party and the straw man. Are you telling me that the most important document of this generations life does not require such a thing?
There is case law that will support the concerns we have which is listed below. Although I believe the declaration has good points of redress and orders, the method is in error and has several holes of interpretation that can be converted to color of law for years to come from our renown Nemesis, the BAR ASSOCIATION and members thereof. You call us Guardians. "Guardians" are persons(corporation) charged with the duty of taking care of the person and managing the property and rights of another person, who, for defect of age, understanding, or self-control, is considered incapable of administering his own affairs. So first we are complaining that we have others managing our affairs and now we are going to manage others affairs as a corporate fiction? We jumped from one frying pan into another.
You call yourselves Elders. Since you do not have a definitions page and we are now forced to be the first to interpret the words of this document, here is the definitions we can conclude your words to mean. Elders can mean either "elders title" which applies to who has the highest authority that prevails. Or it can mean "Elders brethren" elected masters of Trinity House or as full title of the corporation would call it "Elder Brethren of the Holy and Undivided Trinity" which is charged with duties of the marine(maritime/admiralty).
"Trinity House" in English law, is a society at Deptford Strond, incorporated by Hen. VIII in 1515, for the promotion of commerce and navigation by licensing and regulating pilots and ordering and erecting beacons, lighthouses, buoys, etc.
"Trinity Masters" are defined as Elder Brethren of the Trinity House. If a question arising in an admiralty action depends upon technical skill and experience in navigation, the judge or court is usually assisted at the hearing by two Trinity Masters who sit as assessors, and advise the court on questions of a nautical character. Sounds like attorneys to me. Who advises the court right now? We have all heard of the term "I will take that under advisement". What has changed?
"Trinity Setting" is defined as Sittings of the English court of appeal and of the high court of justice in London and Middle-sex, commencing on the Tuesday after Whitsun week, and terminating on the 8th of August. One of the four divisions of the English legal year. See also Easter, Hilary, Michaelmas sittings. Rules of the Supreme Court 1965. The divisions were formerly called terms until the Judicature Act of 1873. Now if you look up the Supreme Court Act of 1981, you will see that the Crown Courts are considered the High courts or Queens Bench, and the high courts are considered any Circuit court or Recorder. This means that all Judge or justice of the piece from a Municipal court and/or Court of Appeal, with or without a chancellor division, are considered under the jurisdiction of the Crown Court and Queen.
A "Grand Jury" is based on a jury of inquiry who find bills of indictment in cases where they are satisfied a trial ought to be had. They are sworn and instructed(doesn't seem we have any power here, does it?) with duties to determine whether probable cause exists that a crime has been committed and whether an indictment (True Bill) should be returned against one for such crime. This is a commercial transaction again which holds no authority of discretion in favor of the jury once so ever. As compared to a common law trial by jury of your peers.
If you would have received the vote of the National Assemblies on this document, you would have only needed fifty signatures, which are one from each Delegate or one for each de jure organic state, Republic. Instead, you need 26 from each state and you are giving us a take it or leave it ultimatum. Please review case law below:
Case from 1937 299 U.S. 353 or 81 L Addition 278.(This is a case that shows an unlawful assembly) Look it up. Then look up the difference between that case and the case in 1876 - Cruikshank 92 U.S. 542 (this is the case that shows a lawful assembly) We and I, do not and will not move forward, with this method of redress and grievance. Although we will continue to find resolve by way of lawful and rightful vacancy of our de jure offices, reserved for us by way of the constitution and blue printed for us by way of lawful and peaceful assembly, we will not be a part of a hostile corporate takeover against a Federal Municipal Corporation and become classified as an enemy combatant. We will trigger the Trading With the Enemy Act and the Patriot Act and will have a one way ticket to FEMA. I pray that whatever you and yours decide, God watches over you and your families from the possible ramifications that will follow in this feudal attempt for delusional(as you would put it) justice. As the appointed Delegate on the organic de jure Illinois, Republic, I must decline the position of coordinator and decline the position and duties of such solicitation(as Sam called it). If it is interpreted that I have already taken a position of coordinator, it was done so without full disclosure and all presumed powers of attorney, duties, responsibilities and or actions are hereby revoked by me, I, Mike Di Cosola. I wish to not be a part of this act and nor does the lawful Illinois county assembly as per their instructions. If you wish to proceed you must do so without our lawful Illinois county assembly supporting your actions.
As for the email that you just sent that has both unfounded accusations and a defamation of both Deborah(the sweatest lady) and my character and credibility, it is the only sign that I needed, when asking in my prayers that God help us stay informed so we may know in our hearts that our final decisions are of God's will, self thought, wisdom and nature.
You have threatened that people on high places will take the documents that have never been withheld from me. So if something should happen to me, everyone should know where to go to find the perpetrator and instigator. The emails that I have sent you are well documented with straight forward questions and have been shared and consulted with all members of the assembly. There has never been a hold up on the process that we have been diligently moving forward on with respect to the signatures. There are many states that have backed out of your deceptive plan and there are also many states that have not yet achieved all the signatures required. What is most interesting is that you have elected to create a smear campaign against the man and the state (Illinois, Republic) that has been supporting this cause of a de jure free republic from day one. I know you are up to no good simply because you are imposable to get a hold of, you go by an alias name and you don't feel you need to answer any of my questions, using old and obvious tactics such as associating a born American that is from Italian decent with skinheads, Nazis, and members of the Aryan Nation. The old tail waging the dog trick. Since you have decided to make false accusations, create controversy and lash out at Deborah and I, I know also know your intentions are nothing but deceitful.
What makes you feel that World War III would be established if the signatures were not completed?What do you know that you are not telling us?
You state that I have provided documents to provocateurs who distributed them nationwide as part of a coordinated black ops campaign to scuttle your remedy. Your imagination has taken over you common sense. You are an experienced actor who is a writer and broadcast show host. I am an American that is lawful, God fearing, delegate of the Illinois county assembly and I believe that there are many who would support my reputation. You know nothing about me but yet you use words like Black ops and provocateurs to slander me. All the while ignoring all the questions with answers that are not transparent. Are these lashes of defamation just a reflection of who you really are?
Additionally, you have stated that a Wisconsin man by the name of Robert Steven McMinn will be taking over the signatures for Illinois. Who gives you the authority to make such appointment for a different state and usurp on to our jurisdiction our rights and remedies when there is already an assembly that can speak for themselves and appoint for themselves? Are you already showing your dictatorship? I have stuck my neck out for Robert McMinn in court and under several situations of State conflicts between him and his personal cases. Now you send the very man I have helped, to take over without lawful authority, the lawful de jure of the Illinois county assembly?
Your true colors are gleaming with deception and dictatorship. Just because you now finally disclose to everyone that you are getting power of attorney from their signatures, you feel as though this relieves you of not disclosing to all that signed that this was exactly what they are doing? You tell them to "do your homework" as an answer for the request for a definitions page, instead of giving them definitions to make sure there is a transparency? You really do feel we are all as ignorant as your replies.
You spell my name both ways since I make full knowledge to the world what my name is and use both the birth name and the shortened name to describe it. What is your real name Sam? I believe I know it as well as several other people. Why are you not disclosing it?"
What makes me grieve is that there are so many good people with God given talents and peaceful, lawful, holy, intentions wanting to join your cause with good intentions. I will pray that they are all protected from your deceptive practices, but as the bible states, "Those who have eyes will not see." and as you of all people know, "A house divided will fall". First Kelly now me. You just keep breaking up the patriot community through misinformation don't you.
In conclusion, no one will stop anyone in Illinois from signing your documents. It is their right to do so. I have been informed by the Illinois county assembly though, that if you replace me without their authority or not answer their questions as requested, they will be revoking their signatures and they will not participate in your deception. Since you have decided to do just that, I have been informed to tell you their wishes.
P.S. You use Tim Turners name as the first name on this email blasted out to the patriot community, it is amazing that Tim had time to draft this document and put his name on it since he is currently in Arizona holding a seminar. The people are smart enough to figure out your smoke and mirrors.
Respectfully and Regretfully,
Mike Di Cosola
Fred Smart
847-859-9342 office
224-548-7751 work
847-878-8090 cell
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"Lord I have no plans of my own save those you shall reveal to me." - Dean Fagerstrom, The Mission of Anglion"
"For thus says the LORD: 'Just as I have brought all this great calamity on this people, so I will bring on them all the good I have promised them.'" Jeremiah 32:42
"No one can impose anything on anyone else. The actual exercise of Common Law boils down to re-establishing local customs concerning potential breaches of the "no imposing" law." Ricardo Johansson, "Emergence From Illusion"
“The general rule is that an unconstitutional statute, though having the form and name of law, is in reality no law, but is wholly void, and ineffective for any purpose; since
unconstitutionality dates from the time of it’s enactment, and not merely from the date of the decision so branding it… No one is bound to obey an unconstitutional law, and no courts are bound to enforce it.” — 16 Am Jur 2d, Sec 177 late 2d, Sec 256
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Fred Smart
847-859-9342 office
224-548-7751 work
847-878-8090 cell
Ixquick Protects Your Privacy !
Get a Loan. Get Paid.
"Lord I have no plans of my own save those you shall reveal to me." - Dean Fagerstrom, The Mission of Anglion"
"For thus says the LORD: 'Just as I have brought all this great calamity on this people, so I will bring on them all the good I have promised them.'" Jeremiah 32:42
"No one can impose anything on anyone else. The actual exercise of Common Law boils down to re-establishing local customs concerning potential breaches of the "no imposing" law." Ricardo Johansson, "Emergence From Illusion"
“The general rule is that an unconstitutional statute, though having the form and name of law, is in reality no law, but is wholly void, and ineffective for any purpose; since
unconstitutionality dates from the time of it’s enactment, and not merely from the date of the decision so branding it… No one is bound to obey an unconstitutional law, and no courts are bound to enforce it.” — 16 Am Jur 2d, Sec 177 late 2d, Sec 256
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The Restore America Plan spells TRAP - doesn't anyone see the obvious?
Dr Sam Kennedy is a sock puppet for some dentist up in New York called Glenn Richard Unger who had to quit on account of tax/insurance frauds.
He has been scamming and conning people ever since, especially on high priced "seminars" to trick people into paying big bucks for his "remedy"- many who then end up in Jail.
The Restore America Plan spells literally T.R.A.P. How obvious is that! Unger is telling anyone with an ounce of intelligence that if you believe his con-game, then you are falling for a big TRAP!
I wonder how much money the feds are going to pay him for this round up of Patriots into prison?
At last report he has tricked over 1,000 people into signing their name to the T.R.A.P. completely unaware that not even Unger is prepared to sign his real name.
I guess they will be the first inmates in the FEMA camps- on account of the numbers, along with their families.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
INTEL 3/31 - The Restore America Plan
Protective Intelligence and Assessment - Behavioral Analysis and Threat Assessment - Independent Intelligence and Information Warfare
Email Briefing Bulletin: Wednesday - March the 31st, 2010 - 1730Hrs, m.s.t. (Arizona)
The following information was provided to me at the date and time mentioned above by one of the members of the Grand Jury in accordance with The Restore America Plan.
After intensive planning the past couple of years, with broad ranging cooperation, the Declaration of Orders have been served to all 50-governors; 36-on Monday, March the 29th, and the balance on Tuesday, March the 30th. These documents were signed by 1,350 de jure Grand Jurors - 27 from each state within America. These de jure Grand Juries were seated per military and Supreme Court counsel. The same documents hand-delivered to each governor shall be delivered to the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Supreme Court Justices tomorrow, or Friday at the latest. The Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Justices of the United States Supreme Court are anticipating these documents.
Reports that 3-governors (CA, NY, FL) did not execute the documents are not true. Following the anticipated acceptance by all Governors, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Justices of the Supreme Court:
1. Within 30 to 60 days, ALL mortgages for homes and small businesses will be "zeroed out" - eliminated and title transferred.
2. Social Security payments will not be interrupted.
3. The Health Care Plan WILL NOT be implemented.
4. All property taxes will cease. Schools and other historically tax-driven needs will be funded by alternate means.
5. IRS is terminated. Operations will stop in their present form. Therefore do not sign any IRS forms or agreements. IRS will continue to function in accounting capacities, but NOT AS A TAX COLLECTION OR ENFORCEMENT body of any kind.
6. All current infrastructures will continue to operate. The fundamental change will come with change in the form of governance that will again allow WE THE PEOPLE to chart our future without intrusion from intrusive federal government.
7. DO NOT expect conventional media announcements to be made. This entire process will be low-key, peaceful, discrete, having been well thought out.
I was briefed that much, more will follow.
Quoting the Grand Juror who briefed me personally, and with whom I have reviewed documents..." Personally," he said, "I believe the America - under God, that we have trusted and enjoyed is being given another chance. Or more pointedly, WE THE PEOPLE are being given another chance, and I hope and pray that God is gracious towards us and we are up to the task of restoration."
Protective Intelligence and Assessment Specialist
Consultant at Behavioral Analysis and Threat Assessment
Independent Intelligence and Information Warfare Analysis
58:14 again repeats "United States Federal corporation". WRONG!
At 58:05, he starts to discuss "United States person" but then he screws up by citing IRC 7701(a)(1).
The definition of "United States person" is at IRC 7701(a)(30):
The general definition of "person" at 7701(a)(1) does include an "individual" which means a human being
(cf. any law dictionary).
Also, "citizens of the United States" and "residents of the United States" are also human beings, in the definition of "United States person" at section 7701(a)(30):
(30) United States person
[human beings above this line]
[artificial, juristic entities below this line]
[end excerpt]
Thus, "U.S. Individual" as found on IRS Form 1040 is the living, breathing human variant of "United States person" i.e. federal citizens and resident aliens.
"U.S. Individual" does NOT include State Citizens aka "Citizens of ONE OF the States united".
Sincerely yours,
/s/ Paul Andrew Mitchell, B.A., M.S.
Private Attorney General, 18 U.S.C. 1964(a)
Criminal Investigator and Federal Witness: 18 U.S.C. 1510, 1512-13
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----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Supreme Law Firm <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]
Sent: Wed, April 7, 2010 9:15:03 AM
Subject: Re: take_no_prisoners_1
Well, right around 55:00 on the counter, he started discussing citizenship, but then he quickly switched into a discussion of recording deeds to real estate.
I also suspect that he has fallen for the lie that there is now only one class of federal citizens, but he didn't discuss citizenship enough for me to decide for sure, one way or the other.
I really wish he would stay on point.
Sincerely yours,
/s/ Paul Andrew Mitchell, B.A., M.S.
Private Attorney General, 18 U.S.C. 1964(a)
Criminal Investigator and Federal Witness: 18 U.S.C. 1510, 1512-13
http://www.supremelaw.org/index.htm (Home Page)
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From: TJ Chambers <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]
Sent: Wed, April 7, 2010 9:11:40 AM
Subject: Re: take_no_prisoners_1
History in the making with The Restore American Plan (TRAP) re-using "techniques" from the 90's?
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TJ Chambers
Self Sufficiency e-Library, a massive collection of .pdf books with over 3,000 titles like:
Animal Husbandry, Animal Traps and Tanning, Aquaculture, Aquaponics, Around the Home, Building, Business, Communications, Cooking, Energy and Fuel, Farming and Gardening, Food Preservation, Forestry and Lumber, Medical, Sanitation, Survival, Water, etc etc.
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This collection of must know material may soon be banned by the socialists in power because the information is so powerful to your independence!
On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 10:51 AM, Supreme Law Firm <[email protected]> wrote:
I'm half-way through the first segment
and writing this during a commercial break:
Sam Kennedy has made 3 errors so far:
(1) the United States is not a corporation:
(this LIE is particularly widespread and pernicious)
(2) the Ninth Circuit is not the "Supreme Court" but he was correct to cite Lewis v. United States:
(3) Eustace Mullins passed away recently:
Sincerely yours,
/s/ Paul Andrew Mitchell, B.A., M.S.
Private Attorney General, 18 U.S.C. 1964(a)
Criminal Investigator and Federal Witness: 18 U.S.C. 1510, 1512-13
http://www.supremelaw.org/support.policy.htm (Support Policy)
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From: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
To: Ron Paul Meetup <[email protected]>
Sent: Wed, April 7, 2010 7:43:23 AM
Subject: take_no_prisoners_1
Subject: take_no_prisoners_1
From: "L.T. Oates" <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, April 04, 2010 10:13 pm
This is history in the making, folks. For those who don't have clear understanding of this, I recommend listening again until you do understand. The second hour will be in a separate email.
L.T. Oates
Sincerely holding to principle over politics, your servant and friend,
Christopher S. Lawton
Greer, SC
Ron Paul Convention Speech!
Click Here >>> http://www.chrislawton.com
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“The 2010 election cycle is just around the corner. We must redouble our efforts to educate our fellow citizens, recruit and support liberty candidates, and marshal our resources for the battle ahead.” – Ron Paul
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"The essence of freedom is the proper limitation of government". ~ Founding Fathers
In 1913, President Woodrow Wilson approved the Federal Reserve Act. A few years later, he reflected:
"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world -- no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men."
A century before, Thomas Jefferson reflected much the same sentiment:
"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks....will deprive the people of all property until their children wakeup homeless on the continent their fathers conquered....The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."
UCC 1-103, 1-105, 1-308.
This is a very OLD and very STUBBORN LIE!
People who cite 28 U.S.C. 3002 as their ONLY support have OBVIOUSLY never read any Act of Congress that created an existing Federal corporation, e.g. the Union Pacific Railroad Company is such a Federal corporation.
Its organic (organizing) Act gets into all kinds of details about the mission, financing, officers, place of business, etc.
28 U.S.C. 3002 is merely a ONE-LINER that arbitrarily re-defines "United States" when the Supreme Court has already told Congress that it may NOT
re-define ANY terms that are used in the U.S. Constitution.
There are already numerous re-definitions of "United States" in the U.S. Code e.g. IRC 4612 is one of my favorites, because it mentions the "50 States" when those "50 States" are very often OMITTED from most of those other statutes:
(4) United States
the District of Columbia,
the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico,
any possession of the United States,
the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and
the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands.
Thus, 28 U.S.C. 3002 did NOT incorporate the "United States": we have already explained the many reasons why that statute did NOT do so, in this essay:
In United States v. Cooper Corporation, 312 U.S. 600 (1941), the Supreme Court wrote:
"We may say in passing that the argument that the United States may be treated as a corporation organized under its own laws, that is, under the Constitution as the fundamental law, seems so strained as not to merit serious consideration ."
Do people ever bother even to notice the stated SCOPE of section 3002?
"As used in this chapter: ...."
See also our recent MEMO to Jeff Rense; he has not (yet) replied
in any manner, even though we transmitted that MEMO to his office
via Priority U.S. Mail with Delivery Confirmation:
TO: Mr. Jeff Rense
29201 Heathercliff #140
Malibu 90265
FROM: Paul Andrew Mitchell, B.A., M.S.
Private Attorney General, 18 U.S.C. 1964(a)
DATE: March 16, 2010 A.D.
SUBJECT: “United States” is not a corporation
Greetings Jeff Rense:
Why have you persisted in hosting articles and essays which repeat the proven falsehood that the “United States” (Federal government) is a corporation?
I must now assume that you are either ignoring several email messages which my office has transmitted to you, or you are complicit in propagating this falsehood via your website www.rense.com.
If there is any one common denominator, these myriad authors stubbornly persist in citing 28 U.S.C. 3002(15)(A) as “authority” for their mistaken belief that the “United States” is a Federal corporation.
Please see the attached essay for a detailed refutation of this proven falsehood. I will now briefly summarize the major points:
(1) section 3002(15)(A) is another example of an arbitrary re-definition of the term “United States”, which Congress has done many times in violation of the prohibition against same decided in Eisner v. Macomber, 252 U.S. 189 (1920) (Congress cannot by legislation alter the Constitution);
(2) because the “United States” was not a corporation before that statute was enacted, it could not have been an existing corporation on the day that statute was first enacted;
(3) it takes a lot more text than that one liner to charter any Federal corporation e.g. the Act of Congress incorporating the Union Pacific Railroad Company is typical of the extensive details which Congress must elucidate in such an “organic” statute; we encourage you to find and read an Act of Congress that did establish one of the several Federal corporations which Congress has created since 1788;
(4) the stated scope of 3002 is expressly limited to “this chapter” which is Chapter 176 of Title 28 of the U.S. Code, namely, Federal Debt Collection Procedure; as such, there is absolutely no way that such a limited re-definition could result in incorporating the entire Federal government.
I encourage you to read and study the attached essay, with particular emphasis on the holding of the U.S. Supreme Court in U.S. v. Cooper Corporation, 312 U.S. 600 (1941), to wit:
We may say in passing that the argument that the United States may be treated as a corporation organized under its own laws, that is, under the Constitution as the fundamental law, seems so strained as not to merit serious consideration.
Whether you agree with any of the above or not, I certainly feel I am on very solid grounds politely to request equal time in this matter, in part because my email inbox continues to be inundated with this same false claim, much to my chagrin and disappointment with every single “freedom” writer who has fallen into this web of deceit.
I really do have much better ways to spend my professional time.
Thank you.
Sincerely yours,
/s/ Paul Andrew Mitchell
Paul Andrew Mitchell, B.A., M.S.
Private Attorney General, 18 U.S.C. 1964(a)
Criminal Investigator and Federal Witness: 18 U.S.C. 1510, 1512-13
http://www.supremelaw.org/support.guidelines.htm (Policy + Guidelines)
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Attached: http://www.supremelaw.org/letters/us-v-usa.htm
See also: http://www.supremelaw.org/cc/usa.inc/ (revoked)
http://www.supremelaw.org/cc/usa.corp/ (revoked)
http://www.supremelaw.org/sos/ (not registered)
/s/ Paul Andrew Mitchell, B.A., M.S.
Private Attorney General, 18 U.S.C. 1964(a)
Criminal Investigator and Federal Witness: 18 U.S.C. 1510, 1512-13
http://www.supremelaw.org/index.htm (Home Page)
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From: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
To: Supreme Firm <[email protected]>
Sent: Wed, April 7, 2010 12:12:44 PM
Subject: [FWD: Re: MORE ERRORS IN: take_no_prisoners_1 aka The Restore American Plan (TRAP?)]]
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: MORE ERRORS IN: take_no_prisoners_1 aka The Restore
American Plan (TRAP?)]
From: "L.T. Oates" <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, April 07, 2010 2:55 pm
To: [email protected]
See 28 USC 3002 sections 10 and 15b.
L.T. Oates
On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 2:18 PM, <[email protected]> wrote:
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: MORE ERRORS IN: take_no_prisoners_1 aka The Restore American
Plan (TRAP?)
We need the truth; we don't need self-appointed activists or broadcasters who haven't bothered to double-check what comes out of their mouth before they utter it.
The penalty for false teachers and teachers of falsehood is rather severe: see Books of Jude and 2 Peter, for starters.
Repeating the proven falsehood that the Federal government is a corporation, is particularly egregious, and just plain wrong.
And, he might have also checked with experts before repeating plain errors about specific definitions in the Internal Revenue Code.
"Individual" is NOT defined at IRC 7701, but it IS defined in authoritative legal dictionaries: it means "human being".
It's the correct legal meaning of "U.S. individual" that concerns us here: the correct meaning must be inferred by joining 7701(a)(1) ("person" defined) and 7701(a)(30) ("United States person" defined).
Clearly, the former is the more general term, and the latter is the more specific term,
because the latter qualifies "person" with the modifier "United States". Therefore, there are:
United States individuals
[human beings above this dashed line]
[artificial, juristic entities below this line]
United States trusts
United States estates
United States partnerships
United States associations
United States companies and
United States corporations
Thus, "United States individual" is the living, breathing human variant of "United States person"; and, both the Regulations and 7701(a)(30) are consistent in defining that term to include ONLY federal citizens and resident aliens. (cf. "inclusio unius est exclusio
alterius" in Black's Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition).
Here is one of the Regulations that does so:
The next subsection is a DEAD GIVEAWAY because it mimics the failed Fourteenth amendment:
Unfortunately, subsection 1.1-1(b) of that Regulation attempted to create a specific liability for federal citizens and resident aliens -- SAME TWO GROUPS -- but withOUT an underlying Statute at Large: that violated Separation of Powers and one of the key holdings
in Commissioner v. Acker:
... [T]herefore, to uphold this addition to the tax would be to hold that it may be imposed by regulation, which, of course, the law does not permit.
United States v. Calamaro, 354 U.S. 351, 359 ;
Koshland v. Helvering, 298 U.S. 441, 446 -447;
Manhattan Co. v. Commissioner, 297 U.S. 129, 134 .
[end quote]
Sometimes it best to swallow our pride, because it's not only the right thing to do, but it also enables us to correct our own errors and move forward -- specifically by disseminating the TRUTH from that point forward, and NOT proven falsehoods.
Doing anything less is intellectually dishonest, imho.
Sincerely yours,
/s/ Paul Andrew Mitchell, B.A., M.S.
Private Attorney General, 18 U.S.C. 1964(a)
Criminal Investigator and Federal Witness: 18 U.S.C. 1510, 1512-13
http://www.supremelaw.org/index.htm (Home Page)
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From: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
To: L.T. Oates <[email protected]>
Cc: Supreme Firm <[email protected]>; [email protected]; Melinda Pillsbury-Foster <[email protected]>
Sent: Wed, April 7, 2010 12:16:01 PM
Subject: RE: [FWD: Re: take_no_prisoners_1]
------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [FWD: Re: take_no_prisoners_1]
From: "L.T. Oates" <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, April 07, 2010 3:06 pm
To: [email protected]
I knew Eustace Mullins passed away, but obviously Sam hasn't heard yet. He can't be expected to be all knowing and with his workload, It is amazing that he is not making more mistakes than that.
L.T. Oates
On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 2:09 PM, <[email protected]> wrote:
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: take_no_prisoners_1
From: Supreme Law Firm <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, April 07, 2010 11:51 am
To: [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]
I'm half-way through the first segment and writing this during a commercial break:
Sam Kennedy has made 3 errors so far:
(1) the United States is not a corporation:
(this LIE is particularly widespread and pernicious)
(2) the Ninth Circuit is not the "Supreme Court" but he was correct to cite Lewis v. United States:
(3) Eustace Mullins passed away recently:
Sincerely yours,
/s/ Paul Andrew Mitchell, B.A., M.S.
Private Attorney General, 18 U.S.C. 1964(a)
Criminal Investigator and Federal Witness: 18 U.S.C. 1510, 1512-13
http://www.supremelaw.org/support.policy.htm (Support Policy)
http://www.supremelaw.org/support.guidelines.htm (Policy + Guidelines)
All Rights Reserved without Prejudice
From: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
To: Ron Paul Meetup <[email protected]>
Sent: Wed, April 7, 2010 7:43:23 AM
Subject: take_no_prisoners_1
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: take_no_prisoners_1
From: "L.T. Oates" <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, April 04, 2010 10:13 pm
This is history in the making, folks
Never ratified!
Moreover, when Congress expressly extended the entire U.S. Constitution into D.C.
http://www.supremelaw.org/stat/16/16stat426.gif (Sec. 34, last sentence)
it effectively gave legal force and effect to the Seventh Amendment throughout the
federal zone. The common law is mentioned TWICE in the Seventh Amendment:
Furthermore, the common law of each State of the Union may be expressly
imported into all Federal Courts and applied as the rule of decision in those Courts:
And, 42 U.S.C. 1988 expressly authorizes a State's common law to be applied
in Federal Courts whenever there is no adequate Federal remedy:
Therefore, the notion that the so-called Fourteenth amendment "extinguished"
the common law is simply not supported by well documented historical facts,
nor by applicable State and Federal laws.
/s/ Paul Andrew Mitchell, B.A., M.S.
Private Attorney General, 18 U.S.C. 1964(a)
Criminal Investigator and Federal Witness: 18 U.S.C. 1510, 1512-13
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Part 4. The Extinguishment of the Common Law and the Fabrication and Preservation of Substantive Law.
The Constitution for the United States and those constitutions of the several states as originally assented to and ratified by the People are founded upon the principles of the common-law, which have as their purpose restraints applicable to government, and the security of persons and property.
Common law. Consists of those principles, usage and rules of action applicable to government and the security of persons and property which do not rest for their authority upon any express and positive declaration of the will of the legislature. As a compound adjective “common-law” is understood as contrasted with or opposed to “statutory,” and sometimes also to “equitable” or to “criminal.” Black’s Law Dictionary, Fifth Edition, page 251.
Inasmuch as those in power over the past 140 plus years have militarily and systematically destroyed the constitutional governments originally established by the People, it was necessary to devise a system of law from which to govern Congress’ newly fabricated “person,” “state,” “United States,” “citizen and resident of the United States.” Following is a brief analysis of that system of treasonous legislation.
The destruction of the common-law by merger.
In the same way that the differentiation between Congress’ grants of jurisdictional power over the several states, the territories and the District of Columbia were “extinguished” by the merger of the two distinct and separate grants of jurisdictional powers, thereby creating a new, but anti-constitutional jurisdictional power, the common-law was likewise extinguished and replaced with a new but anti-constitutional system called law, but which is not. The following offers insight into how the destruction of the common-law took place.
Court of Equity. Equity courts have been abolished in all states which have adopted Rules of Civil Procedure; [common] law and equity actions having been merged procedurally into a single form of “civil action”. Fed.R. Civil P. 2. [Brackets and emphasis added.] Black’s Law Dictionary, Fifth Edition, page 322.
Legal. 3. With the merger in most states of [common] law and equity courts, this distinction general no longer exists. Rule of Civil Proc. 2. [Brackets and emphasis added.] Black’s Law Dictionary, Fifth Edition, page 803.
With the common-law effectively extinguished by merger, Congress and the courts were then free to create their own self-styled system of law, a system that does not recognize the constitutions and attendant Bill of Rights.
A new, but anti-constitutional system of “substantive due process” law, and rights.
The following exposes the judicially and congressionally fabricated system of “substantive law,” a derivative of “substantive due process,” which the Supreme Court “drew out of thin air.”/[1] It is this anti-constitutional system of fabricated law that is used to control and exploit the People as Congress’ fabricated “person”, “individual”, “taxpayer”, “citizen and resident of the United States.” Notice in the following section of the Texas Government Code that the common law has been repealed, having no more force and effect, but the fabricated system of “substantive law” is not repealed.
Texas Government Code Chapter 22.Subchapter A. Sec.22.004 Rules of Civil Procedure.
(b) So that the supreme court has full rulemaking power in civil actions, a rule adopted by the supreme court repeals all conflicting laws and parts of laws governing practice and procedure in civil actions, but substantive law is not repealed.
Inasmuch as the constitutions are fundamental law expressive of the common-law, to repeal “all conflicting laws” is to repeal all constitutions and their Bills of Rights. For a court, supreme or otherwise, to exercise such power is clear and convincing evidence that it is an anti-constitutional, dictatorial court. Following are more examples of the subversive employment of “substantive law” and “substantive rights”.
Texas Family Code. Chapter 159, Subchapter D, Uniform Interstate Family Support Act – Subchapter D. Civil Provisions of General Application. § 159.303. Application of Law of State. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, a responding tribunal of this [re-constructed] state shall: (1) apply the procedural and substantive law generally applicable to similar proceedings originating in this state and may exercise all powers and provide all remedies available in those proceedings . . . [Brackets and Emphasis added.]
U.S.C. TITLE 28 Judiciary and judicial procedure. § 2072. Rules of procedure and evidence; power to prescribe
(a) The Supreme Court shall have the power to prescribe general rules of practice and procedure and rules of evidence for cases in the [re-constructed] United States district courts (including proceedings before magistrate judges thereof) and courts of appeals. [Brackets added.]
(b) Such rules shall not abridge, enlarge or modify any substantive right. All laws in conflict with such rules shall be of no further force or effect after such rules have taken effect. [Emphasis added.]
Once again, the constitutions, as the fundamental law expressive of the common-law, are to be deemed of “no further force or effect.” Furthermore, if the repealing of all conflicting laws or parts of laws repeals the “Bill of Rights”, what then are these grandiose sounding “substantive” laws and rights?
Substantive law. That part of law which creates, defines, and regulates rights, duties and obligations... [Emphasis added.] Black’s Law Dictionary, Fifth Edition, page 1281.
The inherent and unalienable rights possessed by the American People have NOT been created or defined by any legislature or system of law, but have been built up through the centuries, and ultimately became plainly and firmly expressed within our constitutions as part of the fundamental Law. The People themselves have created and defined these rights, and government, itself a creation of the People, has no constitutional authority whatsoever to repeal, define or regulate these rights. Substantive law “creates, defines, and regulates [substantive] rights, duties and obligations” for the counterfeit Congress’ counterfeit “person,” “individual”, “taxpayer”, “citizen or resident of the United States.”
Substantive rights. A right to the equal enjoyment of fundamental rights, privileges and immunities. Black’s Law Dictionary, Fifth Edition, page 1281.
Once again, for a proper explanation of these congressionally fabricated “fundamental rights, privileges and immunities” see Raoul Berger, Government by Judiciary: The Transformation of the Fourteenth Amendment (1977), Part 1, Chapter 2 “Privileges and Immunities” which are those fundamental rights that arose by virtue of the 1866 Civil Rights Act, embodied within the fourteenth amendment, and are the “fundamental rights” granted to Congress’ unlawfully created “citizen of the United States,” a subjugated citizenship status that now attaches to “all persons born in the United States.” Make special note that what Congress grants it can reduce or completely take away, either by legislation, by the discretion of a judge, or even by the head of an agency, a “czar” per se, through rules and regulations.
Substantive due process. Such may be broadly defined as the constitutional guarantee that no person shall be arbitrarily [subjective term: Who decides what is just?] deprived of his life, liberty or property; the essence of substantive due process is protection from arbitrary and unreasonable action. [Brackets added.] Black’s Law Dictionary, Fifth Edition, page 1281.
Inasmuch as the People, now construed to be no more than objects and slaves as congressionally created “persons” and “citizens or residents of the United States”, are made “completely subject to” the legislative authority Congress, and are possessed only by those so-called “substantive rights” created, defined and regulated by Congress, all via the fourteenth amendment, there is no one with proper standing under the present system to question whether any judicial action is arbitrary and unreasonable.
The following quote as regards procedure in federal courts is from “civil procedure: an overview” as quoted from Cornell Law School – Legal Information Institute – Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, and reinforces the above facts.
“Procedure” is to be distinguished from “substantive law” in that substantive law defines the rights and duties of everyday conduct. Substantive law includes contract law, tort law, and so on. A procedural system provides the mechanism for applying substantive law to real disputes.” [Emphasis added.]
The following definitions support the Cornell Law School quote.
Procedure. The mode of proceeding by which a legal right is enforced, as distinguished from the substantive law which gives or defines the right, and which, by means of the proceeding, the court is to administer. The judicial process for enforcing rights and duties recognized by substantive law and for justly [another subjective term] administering redress for infraction of them. The law of procedure is what is commonly termed by jurists “adjective law.” [Brackets added.] Black’s Law Dictionary, Fifth Edition, page 1083.
Procedural law. As a general rule, laws which fixes duties, establish rights and responsibilities among and for persons, natural or otherwise, are “substantive laws” in character. Black’s Law Dictionary, Fifth Edition page 1083.
Adjective law. The aggregate of rules of procedure or practice. As opposed to that body of law which the courts are established to administer (called “substantive law”), it means the rules according to which the substantive law is administered; e.g. Rules of Civil Procedure. Black’s Law Dictionary, Fifth Edition, page 38.
Fourteenth amendment “substantive due process” example.
Prior to seizing ones property the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) offers Due process for liens (26 USC 6320), and Due process for collections (26 USC 6330). Therein the procedures require that the IRS send a notice and demand for payment to the alleged “taxpayer” affording an opportunity for a collections due process hearing (CDP).
Such hearings are held before an “impartial” IRS agent, somewhat akin to inviting the chicken into the fox’s den. Any objection to the validity of the alleged tax is not heard. If an alleged tax is not paid as demanded the IRS takes one’s property through a bogus “Notice of Levy on Wages, Salary and Other Income” sent to a third party (i.e. an “employer” or bank). The tax code states that an alleged “taxpayer” must then bring suit against the IRS for the recovery of any seized property. Reason instructs that if an “employer” takes one’s property without authority in law, and then unlawfully converts it to the IRS, that “employer” is fully liable.
Inasmuch as 26 USC 6320 and 6330 is due process unlawfully enacted by the legislature it represents a blatant deviation from Fifth Amendment principles of due process of law. This therefore is a complete departure from the supremacy clause (Article VI, clause 2) of the Constitution. Consequently, the Congress and the IRS have openly usurped the People’s Fifth Amendment right to due process of the common law, which would find all IRS liens and levies to be patently unlawful.
How the IRS is able to circumvent the Fifth Amendment “due process of law” mandate is explained on the IRS website at http://www.irs.gov/businesses/small/article/0,,id=106507,00.html under the heading: “Anti-Tax Law Evasion Schemes – Law and Arguments – Section IV Constitutional Amendment Claims.” Therein it states:
The Law: The Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution provides that a person shall not be “deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law . . .” The U.S. Supreme Court stated in Brushaber v. Union Pacific R.R., 240 U.S. 1, 24 (1916), that “it is . . . well settled that [the Fifth Amendment] is not a limitation upon the taxing power conferred upon Congress by the Constitution; in other words, that the Constitution does not conflict with itself by conferring upon the one hand a taxing power, and taking the same power away on the other by limitations of the due process clause.” Further, the Supreme Court has upheld the constitutionality of the summary administrative procedures contained in the Internal Revenue Code against due process challenges, on the basis that a post-collection remedy (e.g., a tax refund suit) exists and is sufficient to satisfy the requirements of constitutional due process. Phillips v. Commissioner, 283 U.S. 589, 595-97 (1931).
To this nonsense, which has no authoritative value whatsoever, I once again draw the reader’s attention to the restraint on Government that Fifth Amendment due process of law provides.
(Page 1139) Scope of Guaranty. – “It is manifest that it was not left to the legislative power to enact any process which might be devised. The article [Fifth Amendment] is a restraint on the legislative as well as on the executive and judicial powers of the government, and cannot be so construed as to leave Congress free to make any process ‘due process of law’ by its mere will. ]Brackets and emphasis added.]
The “summary administrative procedures contained in the Internal Revenue Code” is legislative due process prohibited by the Fifth Amendment, and the Supreme Court has no authority whatsoever to usurp this fundamental provision.
Furthermore, it is ludicrous for the court to say that the Fifth Amendment takes away the taxing power conferred upon Congress. For the government to tax in pursuance of the Constitution is not a deprivation of due process of law. However, to tax in violation of the Constitution, as is the case with the entirety of the tax laws, is such a violation.
If the drafters of the Constitution believed that the Fifth Amendment “is not a limitation upon the taxing power conferred upon Congress by the Constitution” then the drafters would have provided for such limitation: But they did not!
To allow such a subversive opinion as the Brushaber decision, or any like decision, to stand is to allow the judiciary the power to usurp the Constitution in all of its provisions in like manner.
Whether in a congressionally re-constructed state court, federal court, or the so-called United States Supreme Court, the fraudulent law upon which the case rests, and the due process that a party receives is unlawful legislatively enacted, and judicially fabricated “substantive law” and “substantive due process” that is always directed by the arbitrary edicts of an administrative outlaw masquerading as a judge.
It is precisely due to such usurpations that the People’s wealth is stolen by those professing to represent government, but are wholly without it, and the People are imprisoned, under mere forms of law, at a rate unequalled by any other country, both numerically and as a percentage of the overall population./[2]
[1] See Raoul Berger, “Government By Judiciary: The Transformation Of The Fourteenth Amendment” (1977), Chapter 14, Part II From Natural Law to Libertarian Due Process http://www.oll.libertyfund.org/EBooks/Berger_0003.pdf Therein you will learn that the court drew substantive due process “out of thing air” in Wynehamer v. The People 1856, just six years prior to the Congress re-constructing the meaning for “person.” Coincidental?
[2] Washington Post Transcript U.S. Prison Population Sets New Record. Friday, February 29, 2008; 10:30 AM. Pew Center on the States managing director Susan K. Urahn was online Friday, Feb. 29 at 10:30 a.m. ET to discuss the center's report on the record-high U.S. prison population, which outstrips that of any other country, both numerically and as a percentage of the overall population. See article at http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/discussion/2008/02/28/DI2008022802960.html [So much for being the “land of the free.” Furthermore, steps should be taken immediately to free all those imprisoned under fraudulent and anti-constitutional tax laws, be they of the Internal Revenue Code or of a State tax code.]
See: http://www.sinsofthestate.net/
On a different note please join the Obamacare class action lawsuit if you are against Obamacare
February 24, 2010 in Current Affairs | Permalink