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Sheriff Kevin M. Wells / Sergeant Burcume / Torture / Kani Update
The Court, acting as deity, has ordered appoint of Public Pretender, Asquire STEPHEN D BUTTON; and Judge JAMES M CRANDALL changed the time for the Arraignment from 17:30 to 13:30 today. Court will proceed in two and half hours to railroad Gi-Ni-Ti-Harcum-El: Bey. It is urgent for Courtroom observers to attend. Kani will take exception and make objection to appoint of Public Pretender, an enemy spy, who is being appointed SOLELY to book Kani into the County iron bar hotel. The chief Public Pretender is Asquire MARY E RAIN, both she and BUTTON can be reached at 315-379-2393 . We have learned that Kani is not the only one, who has been beaten by Sargent BURCUME, it seem to be a sanctioned on going event within ST LAWRENCE COUNTY CORRECTIONAL FACILITY. It is the Sheriff's way of forcing voluntary compliance of those, who do not wish to become SLAVES.
July 13, 2011 in Current Affairs | Permalink