« OPERATIONAL LAW HANDBOOK 2012 / INTERNATIONAL AND OPERATIONAL LAW DEPARTMENT | Main | Petition to free David Hinkson (please sign) »
A Cesspool of Judicial Corruption / The David Hinkson Story: An appeal to the world court of public opinion. When any government agency is empowered to manufacture, subvert and perjure evidence with impunity the truth becomes immaterial
David Hinkson has so far over 10 years taken away from his life as he still rots in prison for doing nothing wrong!
David HInkson Story NSearch Radio informative episode:
http://www.blogtalkradio.com/nsearchradio/2012/10/19/dr-john-waterman--the-waterman-files--nsearch-radio-1.mp3 (right click 'save as')
Petition to free David:
Blowing Whistles At Hurricanes - The Coming Storm
October 19, 2012 in Current Affairs | Permalink