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Eric H. Holder, Jr. is legally now UNDER ARREST by Authority of Acting U.S. Attorney General in Fact (see CITIZEN'S ARREST WARRANT: 06/15/2013)
1:44 PM
This almost seems bland in comparison to the evil crime of 9/11 for which no legal action is being taken. 9/11 really represents the 'takeover' of America by a foreign sovereignty. Yet the masses do not see it unless they happen to have their heads in alt-media truthseeker sources like Veterans Today who have unleashed classified intel provided to them by Russia, once on June 2 and this week on Monday 9/22/2014 in their weekly audiocast wherein Gordon Duff describes the second batch of Russian intel as having included details naming names of those who were directly involved in the planning of 9/11. Holder has his own set of issues, but he has been a marionette on a string drawn by AIPAC in DC who effectively 'control' all government, and, to a lesser extent, military operations. Fortunately for the latter, there are clear divisions who now have a clear picture with this newest incoming intel which can be used as the basis for executing a military coup (regime change), hopefully done quietly and swiftly overnight on some near future date. And with the action will come arrests, deportations, trials for treason and hangings and hopefully a return to the pre 9/11 state of our U.S. Constitution.
3:43 PM
+Juan Viche Thanks for your feedback.
If you doubt nuclear warheads were used, I would suggest you go read this volumnous material:
Among the documents supplied by Russia is one, which is the 'smoking gun' as it were. It is a report from Sandia Labs on their test of the WTC building sites. Their conclusion, nuclear bombs were used. Coupled with other verifiable sources is the proof that Israel secreted with the assistance of insiders in the Department of Energy what are called nuclear warhead pits from inventory which were of the type used in 'Davy Crockett' mini-nuke warheads designed to be fired in the field of battle with no more than 20 kiloton yield; they were old and needed to be upgraded and so Israel stole them from a Texas facility and had them (200-300) shipped to Tel Aviv. There they remanufactured them to produce 'thermobaric' reactions - effectively starting a small fission explosion to kick off a larger neutron fusion explosion. Key here is that the neutron explosion produces extreme high temperatures without the high kinetic energy of larger kiloton plutonium grade atomic bombs. Thus, the bombs in the WTC were small order explosions but with terrific high temperatures sufficient to 'melt' and vaporize the steel girders causing the collapse.
The 'fingerprint' of fission/fusion by-product was sampled and verified to have been present. There is no equivocating on that fact. Which is why Russia released the intel on 6/2.
They provided another batch of documents to Gordon Duff on 9/22 which he revealed details of on 9/22 in his VT radio show.
I would suggest you listen to that as well as reading the 6/2 documents in their entirety to make your own fully informed judgment.
From: "Paul Andrew Mitchell, B.A., M.S."
Sent: Saturday, June 15, 2013 1:21 PM
Eric H. Holder, Jr. is legally now UNDER ARREST
by Authority of Acting U.S. Attorney General in Fact
(see CITIZEN'S ARREST WARRANT: 06/15/2013)
http://supremelaw.org/cc/sebelius/holder/arrest.warrant.doc (MS WORD)
Sincerely yours,
/s/ Paul Andrew Mitchell, B.A., M.S.
Private Attorney General, 18 U.S.C. 1964 and now
Acting United States Attorney General in Fact
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June 15, 2013 in Current Affairs | Permalink