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Among the many Christians throughout the civilized world of today, there is shown forth a deep concern regarding the question as to which day of the week God intended us to observe as the Sabbath, or in other words, as a special day of worship. There are many who firmly believe that Sunday is the appointed day, while others just as firmly believe they are following the instructions set forth in the Bible when they worship on Saturday. Many arguments, having for their basis, a purely intellectual premise, could be brought to bear, showing that it would be impossible for all the people everywhere on this earth to observe the same Sabbath at exactly the same time, because, when the sun is shining on one side of the planet, the other side is in darkness, and then think of those living near the North Pole and the South Pole, who only have one day and night in a whole year.
But it is not our purpose to advance any arguments whatever, or to set forth any belief that may be held by any person or persons. What we most desire just now, is to show you by pure reason and logic, that God never could have appointed any “day” or time in which we should be required to labor or finish our labor, or appointed any day on which we should rest and worship. In the light of pure reason and logic we desire to show you the utter impossibility of God having a conception of a “day,” as the finite being in mortal form would understand the divisions of time, which we call “days.”
A little reflection will convince you that time and space exist only in the imagination of man; that is, in his concept. In common with all other conditions which man holds in his consciousness as realities, is the belief that space can be walled in or divided, and the measurement of space is time. We will admit that just so long as a person is conscious of these things and conditions as realities, he is constantly receiving back into his consciousness the reaction of his belief, which as constantly suggests to him the reality of the so-called thing or condition. The objective world with all of its ramifications of “things” and “conditions” does not exist separate or apart from the consciousness of the individual. In fact all these so-called objectified forms and conditions are but the reflection of qualities in the consciousness of the individual. All these ideas – the objective world with all its conditions – have only a conditional existence, always dependent entirely upon the individual to hold the idea in consciousness. The individual changes the objective world just in proportion as he changes his consciousness regarding it. So time and space exist to us as realities only so long as we hold the idea of time and space in the consciousness, as realities, and then, consequently a division of time which we are pleased to term a “day” will also exist as part of that conditional idea of consciousness.
Tomorrow never comes, so the next moment is never realized.
We Live Now.
It is always in the present that we are conscious of anything or any condition, in the so-called past or future.
Above the plane of conditional existence – the plane of ideas or illusion – exists Consciousness, freed from all ideas, and this Consciousness is the Eternal, Absolute God. In that Absolute plane, time or space does not exist, and if they do not exist there in God, we can clearly and readily perceive that there can be no “day” to God, that there is no day appointed by Him.
If we accept the premise that God is Perfect and All-in-All, we are, at the same time, forced to concede that All (God) is Perfect. God can never be more or less than what God Is, which is Perfect, and, being All, He can never know anything else existing outside of Himself, because, there is nothing else; God being All. So by the purest and most simple logic, we see that God is forever knowing Himself in the eternal Now; and there is nothing else for Him to know.
And then, if we see things and conditions subject to change or changeable, we at once arrive at the conclusion that if a thing can change, it must necessarily have something to change for, and therefore, it lacks that now for which it is going to change. Now, if it lacks anything it is imperfect. To remain logical, we see that if anything is imperfect, it cannot be of God, or of Perfect.
God, Perfect only knows Itself, there being nothing else for It to know in a world of All-God. If it were possible for God to know anything imperfect it would show imperfection in the Perfect God; and would also show that God could know something outside and apart from Himself, either of which would destroy our premise and would also destroy the God who is Perfect and All. So in order not to destroy our premise and to realize the Truth of the statement, that God is Perfect and knows no imperfection, we must find a solution within the bounds of logic and reason which will account for this imperfect world of form-creation.
This has been so clearly brought forth in the “Life and the Way,” the Christian Yoga Metaphysics by A. K. Mozumdar, that we will not take the time now to make the explanation. We have told you enough, however, to show you from a logical point of view, that God as a Whole cannot know us as we know ourselves, and therefore, in consequence could not possibly be conscious of “days,” as we ourselves conceive of “days.”
And now, my friends, there is a “day” of rest.
The Sabbath is that condition of consciousness of the individual when the individual has ceased to hold wrong ideas in consciousness – when the consciousness of the individual is freed from form-creation. In that condition of the consciousness of the individual it becomes filled to the very limit of its capacity of formless God, and this condition of Consciousness is the Sabbath Day; it is rest from holding changeable ideas in consciousness through six periods, or through six “days” of labor.
If we worship God on any particular day, let us not attach any significance whatever to the day itself. For the more significance we attach to a day the more we are giving recognition to an idea temporarily existing in the race consciousness.
Our purpose in life is to become freed from these conditional things and conditions, and, by giving any one idea a particular significance, we, knowingly or unknowingly, employ a well-known law of psychology “that with whatever we associate ourselves, of that we shall manifest like quality.” So if we should give conscious recognition to a relative measurement of time, which we term a day, we shall manifest more material or relative conditions of consciousness. But if we keep our mind and consciousness on That which is above all relativity and conditions, we shall manifest a Spiritual quality of being.
In common with the race, and in accordance with the long established condition of racial consciousness, we devote one particular day, more than other days, to services, devotion to God and to meetings. But we, as students of Truth, should never attach any significance to the day on which we worship. If we do attribute any special significance to a particular day, it should be in the manner of performing a symbolical rite in remembrance of, or anticipation of, that condition of consciousness which we shall enjoy when freed from all misconceptions, ignorance, or ideas in illusion. In other words, (relatively considered) there being seven days in the week and having the concept of seven states or stages of consciousness in this journey through illusion, if we attached any significance whatever to one of the seven days of the week, it should be as a symbolical rite in refreshing the consciousness of the individual, or holding before the consciousness, that seventh period or condition of consciousness above the plane of illusion. This full grasp of God above the plane of conditional things and conditions is the real Sabbath Day of Rest. Within our conception of things and conditions we can attached that significance to any one of the seven days of the week. It makes no difference whether it be Saturday or Sunday.
If the race, among whom we are living, have an idea that Sunday or Saturday, as the case may be, is the most convenient day to discontinue material pursuits, let us conform to that concept outwardly, but inwardly; that is, in the inner conscious plane, if we attach any significance whatever to any day, let it be as a symbol of that condition of the individual’s consciousness above the plane of illusion. And this we can do by imagination – or realization – on any day of the week.
The true worship of God is on no particular day, but in constantly seeing through everything and every condition One Consciousness, which is God Eternally. Yes, it is even more than this. The Consciousness which is the individual, is part of the Whole-Consciousness, and back of every concept-form or idea is also another part of the Infinite Whole; so the true worship of God is to let God see God in everything, and, as All there is, until we realize living, moving and having our Being in the Omnipresent Ocean of Divine Consciousness. This is the All-in-All, or the worship of God upon one nightless day.
As that Divinely inspired book, “The Aquarian Gospel,” has so beautifully and concisely expressed it -
“When all the essences of carnal things have been transmuted into soul, and all the essences of soul have been returned to Holy Breath and man is made a perfect God, the drama of Creation will conclude. And this is all.”
Many passages of Scripture are quoted to prove that one or the other day of the week has been Divinely appointed. Let us consider these scriptural passages in the light of Christian Yoga.
“And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.”
“And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.” Gen. ii:2-3.
We have seen in reason and logic, that God as a Whole does not and cannot create. In these passages it definitely states that “God created and made,” and this is easily reconciled when we remember that all power or any power cannot exist outside of All. Therefore it is God Power that is the creator, but the God Power creates through the idea held in the consciousness of the part or individual. The individual consciousness gets the reaction of the idea within itself; and God Power or the Self knowing-power of God, is self manifested. Like the sun and its rays, the rays will shine through any medium set up for the light to pass through and will cast a shadow corresponding to the image in the medium. If it was conscious the sun would shine on in all its splendor unconscious of the medium, image or the shadow cast. So God knows Himself and is unconscious of an idea, image or concept existing in the consciousness of part of Himself. The part, while in illusion, only sees the shadow.
Considering these two verses in another light we see that God creates a world by the activity of His self-knowing power, which is above the plane of illusion. And in the highest, or seventh condition of consciousness, is rest. As a rapidly revolving wheel appears to stand still, owing to its terrific revolutions, so it is the individual’s consciousness of God above the plane of illusion which is creating a perfect image of Itself; therefore by the very tremendous rapidity of vibrations it comes to perfect rest, the part knowing the All, to the limit of its capacity to grasp God.
Adhering to our statement that the “six days of creation” are states or stages of the individual’s consciousness in its journey through illusion or form-concept, and the “seventh day” is the state or condition of the individual’s consciousness freed from all false opinions or ideas of itself, therefore it is at rest in knowing God; we can now consider the individual as part of the Whole, therefore in essence, God.
On the seventh day, or, in the last state of consciousness; God (as the part) rests from the imaging of ideas of itself in wrong significance.
“For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day; and hallowed it.” Exodus xx.11.
Back of every apparent atom and cell in this universe is the One ever self-manifested Consciousness; what we see as a stupendous aggregation of electrons, atoms or cells, that which we call this phenomenal or objective universe, is the reflection of ideas held in the consciousness of the individual Parts of God. All idea that we ever can be conscious of in “heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is,” is the creation of the knowing power of God through the image in the consciousness of these individual parts. And when the part, (which is God in part, therefore God), at the final stage, “the seventh day,” stops creating ideas or images for God power to manifest through, the “day” will indeed be “blessed” and “hallowed” for it is the complete dispelling of all conditions of darkness, ignorance, bondage and illusion.
December 18, 2022 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Hat tip to Robert Morrow re: previous post information
Jefferson Morley: https://jfkfacts.substack.com/p/major-break-coming-in-the-jfk-assassination?utm_medium=email
JFK Expert Robert Morrow’s bullet points on the JFK assassination (updated 5/01/2022)
I have read or skimmed 1,500 books that relate to the JFK assassination, Lyndon Johnson, the Kennedys, Hoover, the FBI, the CIA and various other friends and enemies of both LBJ and the Kennedys. Also, I have examined countless web sites and I have a longtime working relationship with the top researchers/authors on/analysts of the JFK assassination.
My blog has much documented evidence in the form of many essays on the serial and non-ending crimes of Lyndon Johnson while he was alive. I also have much information that relates to the JFK assassination: http://robertmorrowpoliticalresearchblog.blogspot.com/
In other words I have a professional knowledge of this material on par with and probably greater than anyone in the world. I would like to make a few basic points, without offering proofs, on the JFK assassination.
1) Oswald was a fake defector to the USSR and fake pro-Castro Marxist.
2) Oswald was a low level CIA asset, FBI asset and a pawn in COINTELPRO.
3) Oswald was completely innocent of the JFK assassination.
4) Oswald was not physically on the 6th floor of the Texas School Book Depository at the moment of the JFK assassination. He was likely on the second floor.
5) Oswald did not shoot either JFK, John Connally or anyone else.
6) Oswald, unlike LBJ, Hoover, Allen Dulles, Edward Lansdale, Texas power broker friends of LBJ (Ed Clark, D.H. Byrd), loved and admired John Kennedy and his family.
7) Oswald did not attempt to assassination Gen. Edwin Walker on April 10, 1963. The government tried to posthumously frame him for this.
8) Oswald did not murder Officer J.D. Tippit and was physically not at the Tippit murder scene. The government tried to posthumously frame him for this.
9) Jack Ruby was not a lone nut. LBJ indirectly sent him (probably through H.L. Hunt and Dallas mafia chief Joe Civello) to murder Oswald.
10) Jacky Ruby - like Robert Kennedy, Jackie Kennedy and Evelyn Lincoln who believed this immediately - believed that LBJ murdered JFK.
11) Lyndon Johnson murdered JFK because the Kennedys were out to utterly destroy him in November of 1963, not merely remove LBJ from the 1964 Democratic ticket.
12) LBJ’s elite Texas political power broker and lawyer Ed Clark, LBJ pal D.H. Byrd (oilman, military contractor, founder of the Civil Air Patrol and owner of the Texas School Book Depository), Gen. Edward Lansdale, CIA David Atlee Phillips were involved in the JFK assassination.
13) CIA E. Howard Hunt and other proteges of Allen Dulles (namely Gen. Lansdale and the CIA’s David Atlee Phillips) were involved in the JFK assassination.
14) Elements of CIA anti-Castro Cubans, likely roped in by Gen. Lansdale who ran Operation Mongoose, were involved in the JFK assassination.
15) Any wealthy man in Texas who was close personal friends with Lyndon Johnson knew that LBJ murdered JFK, even if they were not personally involved in JFK’s murder. I am thinking of people like George Brown of Brown and Root, the businessmen Frank Late of Dallas, Clint Murchison & H.L. Hunt of Dallas.
16) FBI chief J. Edgar Hoover, a 19- year neighbor of Lyndon Johnson in Washingon, D.C.(1943-1961) and a fellow front row seat Kennedy-hater, immediately started covering up the JFK assassination and blaming it on a lone nut with absolutely no good reason to do this. It is possible that Hoover was in on the JFK assassination beforehand but I doubt it, but he definitely knew LBJ was behind the JFK assassination and covered it up for him. Hoover’s reward: a lifetime exemption from federal forced retirement at the age of 70.
17) LBJ placed Allen Dulles on the Warren Commission to run the cover up of JFK’s murder. Proteges of Allen Dulles were definitely involved in the JFK assassination thus it is possible though not probable that Allen Dulles was involved beforehand in the planning of JFK’s murder. At a minimum, Allen Dulles was an accessory-after-the-fact to JFK’s murder.
18) LBJ, FBI chief Hoover, the FBI’s Deke DeLoach (a top LBJ lackey), FBI in general, CIA in general, CIA’s Cord Meyer, Allen Dulles all had personal friendships with the owners, executives and reporters of all the national TV networks (CBS, NBC, ABC) and major newspapers and national magazines (Time, Life, Saturday Evening Post) - this is why the media was so easy to fool into going along with the cover up of the JFK assassination. The media were willing suckers for people (such as LBJ) who had a direct hand in the JFK assassination.
19) Lyndon Johnson, who had opposed Civil Rights for pretty much his entire career, came out strong for civil rights within a week of the JFK assassination as a way of inoculating himself from the piercing eyes of the Democratic Left who already deeply suspected him in the JFK assassination. With Lyndon Johnson leading the charge on the nation’s and the Left’s top political issue, LBJ effectively neutralized is former opponents from digging deep into his role in the JFK assassination, which many of the nation’s and Texas’ insiders suspected.
20) People affiliated with the Council on Foreign Relations – academics, journalists, government officials and businessmen – have played a big role in the cover up of the JFK assassination since its inception. John J. McCloy when he was on the Warren Commission was at that time the Chairman of the CFR (a spot he held from 1953-1970) and JFK’s fired CIA director Allen Dulles had been president of the CFR from 1946-1950. Most members of the CFR I would classify as grotesquely willfully ignorant of the facts of the JFK assassination.
21) The vast majority of journalists today and legions of university academics peddle the burning pile of hot garbage lie that a lone nut killed JFK and that Oswald was a "pro Castro Marxist." This needs to stop. There is a better explanation for the JFK assassination and Lyndon Johnson is in the very middle of that answer.
Robert Morrow 512-306-1510 Austin, TX
Presidential Historian and Distinguished Fellow at the Lyndon Baines Johnson Institute for the Study of Presidential Crime
The World’s Foremost Authority on the JFK Assassination
The Top Historian in the World on Lyndon Johnson (sorry Robert Caro, it is not you …)
The Greatest Presidential Historian in American History
One of the World’s leading public intellectuals due to my sparkling expertise in the JFK assassination
America’s Premier Living Historian
Knows more about the JFK assassination than every Presidential Medal of Freedom winner EXCEPT Lyndon Johnson (1980 posthumous recipient) who orchestrated the murder of JFK.
One of the top Menches in the United States. “Mensch” being a person of integrity, honor and noble character.
The “Muhammed Ali of the JFK Assassination research community” meaning, I am the Greatest analyst in the world of JFK research and I know it.
One of the top two of the Greatest JFK Assassination Researchers of all time, superceded only by Joachim Joesten who nailed the JFK assassination in real time in the 1960’s.
Knows far more about the JFK assassination than Oliver Stone who can’t figure out that LBJ murdered JFK because “Vietnam” is Stone’s hammer and he thinks everything is a nail.
Nation’s #1 Opposition Researcher on the Clintons & the author of The Clintons’ War on Women (published 2015)
Knows more about the JFK assassination than all the professors of history and politics who have ever taught at Princeton University combined.
Knows more about the JFK assassination than every “credentialed” or “degreed” journalist or academic in this World of 7,983,378,450 people (as of 10/24/2022)
Up and Coming Scholar on the USS Liberty Murders which were orchestrated by Lyndon Johnson and the leaders of Israel and were to be blamed on Egypt to give the USA a pretext to enter the Six Day War
Knows more about the JFK assassination than the 27 Smartest People on the Planet combined. (See “Here is a List of the 27 Smartest People On the Planet,” by Osien Kuumar)
Smarter by a country-mile, generously better informed and significantly less egotistical than the New Yorker’s (lone nutter) Lawrence Wright.
Knows more about the JFK assassination than all the professors at Princeton, Harvard , Yale, Stanford, the University of Texas at Austin and SMU and anyone who has ever written for the New York Times or Washington Post combined.
Can out-debate 40 Ivy League professors of history and politics on the topic of the JFK assassination at one time.
Knows far more about the JFK assassination than anyone who has ever posted at Education Forum, although that can be a very useful web site.
Obviously, I know more about the JFK assassination than every professor, fellow and expert at the Univ. of Virginia's Miller Center on the Presidency combined.
Generously better informed and significantly more intelligent than EVERY journalist I have ever met, spoken with or interacted with, with the exception of the legendary Wayne Madsen.
Runs the best blog on the internet on the many crimes of Lyndon Johnson and the topic of the JFK assassination at “Robert Morrow Political Research” blog
Knows more about the JFK assassination than the combined knowledge of all 2,000 members of NYC’s The Century Club which was founded in 1847
A lot smarter than anyone who has ever written for Texas Monthly, the Texas Tribune, the Dallas Morning News, D Magazine, The New Yorker, The Daily Beast or the Washington Post; or who has ever reported for WFAA Dallas or KLBJ radio Austin, but not the Midlothian Mirror.
Understands Texas politics better than anyone else has in the past 60 years.
**One of the USA’s leading thought leaders.**
Far more knowledgeable and accurate than the Sixth Floor Museum on the topic of the JFK assassination. Executive director hilarious (lone nutter) Nicola Langford and curator Steve Fagin do not know a tenth of a thimble compared to what I know.
Knows more about the JFK assassination than all the 8,000 scholars and scientists combined who have been fellows at the Princeton, NJ Institute for Advanced Study in its 90-year history
Knows more about the JFK assassination than the combined knowledge of all recipients of the Johan Skytte Prize in Political Science which has been awarded since 1995
Knows far more about the JFK assassination than Ken Jennings (lone nutter), who won 74 consecutive Jeopardy contests and is the highest earning American game show contestant of all time.
Knows more about the JFK assassination than the combined membership of the ultra high IQ Mega society which is only composed of people with an IQ level of one in a million.
Knows more about the JFK assassination than all the people who have ever been members and subject matter experts at the Council on Foreign Relations combined except for those members who were involved in the murder of JFK from their roles in U.S. intelligence
Knows more about the JFK assassination that all the people who have received MacArthur Fellow “genius grants” combined since the program began in 1981.
Knows more about the JFK assassination than all the people who have ever received a Whiting Writers’ Award or a Guggenheim Fellowship combined.
Knows more about the JFK assassination than any single person alive since 1963 who has a tested IQ score of 175 and above.
Knows more about the JFK assassination than Mel Kiper knows about the NFL draft.
Knows more about the JFK assassination than the entire lot of the living 4,500 Rhodes Scholars who are in over 100 countries around the world.
Knows more about the JFK assassination than all 250 members of the Texas Philosophical Society combined.
Knows more about the JFK assassination than the combined membership of the Society of Fellows at the Aspen Institute as well as the entire Board of Trustees of the Aspen Institute.
Knows more about the JFK assassination than the collective knowledge of all pathologists, medical examiners and ballistic experts who have ever practiced in the history of the USA.
Knows more about the JFK assassination than the combined knowledge of the current and past members of the American Historical Association, the Society of American Historians or Organization of American Historians.
Knows more and is a far more “stable genius” than Donald Trump who says that a lone nut killed JFK.
Knows more about the JFK assassination than the combined knowledge of everyone who has won a Pulitzer Prize.
Knows more about the JFK assassination and Lyndon Johnson than the combined knowledge of everyone who has ever won: a Century Association Archives medal, a National Book Foundation medal for Distinguished Contribution to American Letters, a Los Angeles Book Prize in Biography, a Plutarch Award from the Biographers International Organization, the Mark Lynton History Prize, the National Book Critics Circle Award, The New York Historical Society’s American History Book Prize, a Gold Medal for Distinguished Service to Humanity from the National Institute of Social Sciences, Norman Mailer Prize for Distinguished Biography, a Biographers International Organization Award for major contribution to the advancement of the art and craft of biography, a History Makers Medal (the highest honor of the New York Historical Society, a Bookend Award (the highest honor of the Texas Book Festival), a Gold Medal in Biography (awarded once every six years by the American Academy of Arts and Letters), the Ambassador Book Award for Distinguished Achievement from the English-Speaking Union, the John Steinbeck Award, Carl Sandburg Literary Award (from the Chicago Public Library Foundation), the National Book Award in Nonfiction, a Pulitzer Prize, a New School for Social Research – Doctor of Humane Letters, Lifetime Achievement Award for the Guild Hall Academy of Arts, a National Book Critics Circle Award, a Washington Monthly Political Book Award, an Award in Literature from the American Academy of Arts and Letters, H.L. Mencken Award for Best Book, an American Institute of Architects Special Citation, Francis Parkman Prize (awarded by the Society of American Historians), a Carnegie Fellowship at the Columbia University School of Journalism, a Nieman Fellowship at Harvard University, a Deadline Club Award from the Society of Professional Journalists, a Society of Silurians Award for outstanding achievement in the field of public service or been elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences or been inducted into the American Academy of Arts and Letters or been inducted into any state’s or country’s Writer’s hall of fame or who has been made an honorary member of the Texas Rangers or been named a Living Landmark by the New York Landmarks Conservancy.
Knows more about the JFK assassination than the combined knowledge of everyone who has received a Nobel Prize in any field.
If Professor K. Anders Ericsson (deceased) were alive, this internationally renown “experts on experts” would sure proclaim me as the “World’s Greatest Expert on the JFK Assassination.”
Unlike CFR member Max Boot I have never written a biography which proves that Gen. Edward Lansdale murdered JFK (“The Road Not Taken: Edward Lansdale and the American Tragedy in Vietnam”) and then hollered at the top of my lungs that a lone nut commie killed JFK.
Knows spectacularly more about the JFK assassination than former Dallas Morning News reporter Bill Minutaglio (later a professor) and whose knowledge and analysis of the JFK assassination is a TAD LACKING, to say the least.
Unlike Texas Tribune editor Evan Smith, I was not personal friends with the wife of the murderer of JFK, Lyndon Johnson, nor did I ever chum up to her and call her “Mrs. J” and nor have I taken money from the daughter of Lyndon Johnson, Luci Baines Johnson. [“Mrs. J,” Evan Smith, Texas Monthly, September 2007 and Texas Tribune All Time List of donors: Luci Baines Johnson & her husband Ian Turpin - $149,097 as of 1/5/2022.]
Unlike longtime columnist Michael Barnes of the Austin-American Statesman I don’t pal around with ultra wealthy Luci Baines Johnson while somehow weirdly forgetting to mention in the Austin paper for literally decades that Lyndon Johnson murdered JFK.
Unlike LBJ biographer Doris Kearns Goodwin, I have never had the man who murdered JFK – Lyndon Johnson – ask me to marry him (“A Tale of Hearts and Minds, Sally Quinn, Washington Post, 8-24-75)
Unlike LBJ biographer Robert Caro, I have was never co-opted by one of the men – LBJ crony Ed Clark – who murdered JFK (see “Blood, Money, and Power” by Barr McClellan, published 2003)
Unlike LBJ biographer Robert Dallek, I do not endorse the ludicrous, machine gun-riddled Warren Report fantasy that Lyndon Johnson, Robert Kennedy, Jackie Kennedy, the KGB, Gerald Ford, Sen. Richard Russell, Sen. John Sherman Cooper, Cong. Hale Boggs, Sen. Barry Goldwater, Richard Nixon, CIA chief William Casey, JFK aides Kenny O’Donnell and Dave Powers, and LBJ’s inner circle mistress Madeleine Brown, LBJ kickbacks king Billie Sol Estes and and JFK’s longtime secretary Evelyn Lincoln never believed.
Unlike LBJ biographer Michael Beschloss, I was never a personal friend of Lady Bird Johnson, the wife of the man Lyndon Johnson, who murdered JFK and I have never implied that Fidel Castro might be behind the JFK assassination.
Unlike LBJ biographer Randall Woods, I have never slandered completely innocent CIA patsy Lee Harvey Oswald for the JFK assassination which was orchestrated by Lyndon Johnson (Randall Woods, LBJ: Architect of American Ambition, p. 417-418)
Unlike LBJ biographer Julian Zelizer, I have never defamed Lee Harvey Oswald for the murder of JFK, a crime that Lyndon Johnson committed.
Unlike historian Douglas Brinkley I have never shat in my pants telling a national TV audience “Look, it’s clear Lee Harvey Oswald killed John F. Kennedy” – and imploring everyone to honor the legacies of Gerald Ford, John McCloy and Arlen Specter in regards to their work covering up the JFK assassination (ABC’s “Face the Nation,” Nov. 17, 2013)
Unlike Senior News Reporter Jason Whitely of WFAA (Dallas) I have never pushed the fantasy that a lone nut named Oswald killed JFK.
Unlike the LBJ Library, I have not erected museum exhibits that endorse the validity and accuracy of the truly bonkers Warren Report that not even Lyndon Johnson believed for one minute.
Has an IQ closer to 140 than 130
Princeton, A.B. – History, 1987
Univ. of Texas at Austin -- MBA, 1990
Tuscaloosa Academy, graduated #3 out of 40 students. Recipient of TA’s highest academic honor, 1983
Star basketball player for Tuscaloosa Academy from 1980-1983, leading my teams to a 114-5 record over 4 years. Scored 2,003 career points. The last years were an unblemished 90-0 with 3 consecutive private school state championships. I was my teams’ MVP as a freshman, junior and senior. I like losing less than Nick Saban, Vince Lombardi, Mike Krzyzewski, Tom Brady and Lyndon Johnson combined.
On top of ALL that, I found the “golden egg” at the Indian Hills Country Club (Tuscaloosa, AL) Easter Egg hunt TWICE in approximately 1974 and 1975 (back to back years) which meant that I received a very large stuffed bunny each time.
December 6, 2022 | Permalink
The CIA is concealing a secret operation (initiated 3 months before the JFK assassination) that involved accused assassin Oswald
Major Break Coming in the JFK Assassination Story
The CIA is concealing a secret operation that involved accused assassin Oswald.
Jefferson Morley, Dec 5
Many Americans wonder why the CIA is still concealing records related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, which happened nearly 60 years ago.
We now have the answer. The CIA is hiding something terribly embarrassing, if not incriminating, about its role in the JFK story. In mid-1963, senior Agency officials approved a covert operation that used Lee Harvey Oswald for intelligence purposes, three months before Oswald allegedly shot and killed the president in Dallas on November 22, 1963. The CIA hid this operation from the Warren Commission in 1964, from the House Select Committee on Assassinations in 1978, and from the Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB) in 1998. The explosive story is told in 44 JFK records that the CIA has “denied in full” to the public.
In an Oct. 2021 memo President Biden set December 15 for federal agencies to disclose all records related to the assassination. Whether the CIA will release records related to the undisclosed Oswald operation is a test of Biden’s order and the 1992 JFK Records Act, which mandates release of all assassination-related information in the government’s possession.
I will explain what we know—and do not know—about the undisclosed Oswald operation at a press conference at the National Press Club tomorrow, Tuesday December 6.
The event, sponsored by the Mary Ferrell Foundation, puts this major development in the Dallas tragedy into legal, political, and historical context.
Foundation president Rex Bradford will speak about what has been learned about JFK’s assassination in the past 25 years and what remains to be done.
Attorney Larry Schnapf will speak about the foundation’s lawsuit against Biden and the National Archives for failure to enforce the JFK Records Act.
Judge John Tunheim, former chair of the ARRB, will speak about the board’s work and about how the CIA misled the review board on the still-secret records.
Rolf Mowatt-Larssen, former CIA officer, will comment on the evidence of the undisclosed Oswald operation.
Fernand Amandi, pollster and MSNBC analyst, will present the results of a nationwide poll on Americans’ attitudes toward JFK’s assassination and President Biden order on JFK files.
For more information on the Mary Ferrell Foundation event, click here.
Watch the livestream on YouTube on Dec. 6 at 9:30am EST
December 6, 2022 | Permalink
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Plus, since buying bitcoin is a qualifying purchase, you earn sats when someone in your Spin Squad buys bitcoin on Fold.
As a Spin+ user you're getting early access to this feature, so of course we've got some bonus rewards in store for you:
Earn Extra Spins for each $50 bought in a single transaction
Flash Smash Buys - random giveaways that pay out bonus rewards when you buy bitcoin in a certain timeframe, announced on Twitter or via push notification (Early Access only -- details to come)
Lastly, in true Fold fashion, we're building this feature with community feedback. After you've bought any amount of bitcoin you can fill out our feedback survey from within the app; it takes 5 minutes, will help us build a better experience for you, and we'll award you with sats for your time and thoughts.
Ready to get started?
Refresh your app, then tap the big orange Bitcoin button on the bottom-right of your home screen to start your first official Fold Bitcoin Buy!!
Sign up and get 20,000 satoshis (sats) (0.0002 bitcoin) when you sign up for Fold's FREE bitcoin rewards debit card using my referral link: https://use.foldapp.com/r/YTP7NPPV
More details re: above and the benefits: After signing up with my referral link, when you refer a friend and they sign up for the FREE Fold Card, they get 20,000 sats; you, in turn, will get 10,000 sats for the referral and 1-50 sats randomly every time they make a qualifying purchase from their Fold Card.
December 1, 2022 | Permalink | Comments (0)